About change of business day by Golden Week
- Open daily from Thursday, April 29th to Wednesday, May 5th.
- The museum will be temporarily closed on Thursday, May 6th.

I'm burning a bath with firewood!
- At Kusu-no-Yu, in order to make white water (shirayu) used in the main bath and shower, a boiler for boiling natural water was installed, which used to be a heavy oil boiler, but fuel cost reduction and carbon dioxide emission reduction From the viewpoint of reducing the environmental load and promoting the use of thinned wood to contribute to the forestry industry and promote employment, we have been using woody biomass boilers that use firewood from thinned wood as fuel since FY2015.
- Regarding the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, Kagoshima Prefecture Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction Certification (PDF: 264KB) Have received.

▶ Aira City Hot Spring Center Kusu no Yu