Supporting employment and reinstatement! We are delivering work information such as nursery schools
Aira City is the only municipality in the mainland of the prefecture where the population is increasing, but on the other hand, the increase in waiting-list children is also an issue. As one of the measures, we are working to secure the shortage of childcare workers. "I want to work at a nursery school!" "I'm interested in a nursery school" In order to support the employment and reinstatement of everyone, we will send information about nursery schools in the city by "Hoiku Information Service". In addition to this page, it is also distributed by email, fax, and LINE.
- Contents to be delivered (when recruiting nursery teachers)
- ・ Hourly wage system 1 hour or 2 hours is possible Double work is also possible
- ・ A nursery school where you can work without a childcare worker qualification
- ・ One-day childcare worker experience for those who are interested in childcare workers
Job information in the field of childcare (as of September 23, 2nd year of Reiwa)
Introducing job information in the field of childcare as of September 23, 2nd year of Reiwa.
▶ Job information in the field of childcare (as of September 23, 2nd year of Reiwa) (PDF: 449KB)
▶ For details Aira City Homepage Please refer to the.