Kagoshima Prefecture Firefighting Technique Tournament

On August 26, 2020 (Friday), the Kagoshima Prefecture Firefighting Training Tournament was held at the Kagoshima Prefecture Firefighting School in Hioki City.

City hall branch office which won Aira, Isa branch firefighting method meeting that there was on July 24 in the same year participated.

The city hall branch was the top batter of the 9 branches, and they performed wonderfully in a tense atmosphere, and the result was the second place.

We were able to achieve good results worthy of the names of representatives of the Aira-shi fire brigade and the Aira/Isa branch fire brigade. The good fight of the city hall branch in the corona misfortune has given aira city energy!

Thank you to all the city hall branches for your hard work until now! Please do your best for Aira-shi in future.