2022 Aira City Staff Recruitment Entry (Recruited on April 1, R5)

Recruitment test * The recruitment test for the 4th year of Reiwa will be conducted on a different schedule depending on the test taker. Those who are not planning to graduate from university or junior college for 4 years in March 5th year of Reiwa will take the 2nd examination.

[1st] Examination category Only for those who are planning to graduate from university / junior college for 4 years in March, 5th year of Reiwa [2nd] Examination category

▶ For more information Here


For reference of entry
Information such as work environment and activities (club activities) is updated from time to time. We hope that it will be helpful to everyone, such as those who are targeting job hunting for local design, clerical work, occupations that utilize their skills, and civil servants themselves, and those who are focused on local governments in Kagoshima Prefecture.