Okonomi House Robin

Street address 1 Aeon Town Aira 1F, 1-264 Nishimochida, Aira City
phone number

0995-67-2122/070-7525-8133 (carrying for delivery)

home page
Business hours (response time) 11:00 to 21:00 (last order 20:30)
Regular holiday None
Takeaway (takeout)
Menu (tax included) Robin ware 972 yen, Hiroshima ware 972 yen, Chicken Nanban 788 yen
Remark Delivery starts from 2,000 yen including tax.
Delivery time 11:00 to 20:30
Please contact us for detailed menu.

Satsuma Sewing & Kitchen Nouveau

Street address 3-12-18 Nishi Aira, Aira City
phone number


home page http://kitchen-nubo.com/
Business hours (response time) 11:00 to 14:00
Regular holiday Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
Takeaway (takeout)
Menu (tax included) 【Take-out】
Croquette lunch, fried chicken lunch, daily lunch, etc. 550 yen each [Delivery]
It corresponds to the case of 5 or more. Each lunch 600 yen
Remark We offer homemade safe meals. Please contact us for details.