July 14th is “Citizen’s Day”

Prefectural Citizens' Day commemorates the 150th year of the Meiji Era, July 14th, when the abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures took place. It is a day for citizens to reexamine the history and culture of their hometowns, deepen their understanding and interest in their hometowns, and nurture their love for their hometowns. It was established in 2018 as a day to build a more prosperous Kagoshima Prefecture with confidence and pride.

On this day, admission is free at some of the prefecture's and private cultural facilities, including Reimeikan.

In addition, in order to liven up the day, Kagoshima will be lit up all at once with blue, the symbol mark color of the prefecture. .

Take this opportunity to rediscover the charm of Kagoshima.

For more information, please contact the Prefectural Office Cultural Promotion Division or check the prefectural website.

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